Project Plan

Quality Education Project Plan

Project Description

School: LEPL- Shuakhevi Municipality Village Baratauli Named after Amiran Mamaladze Public School

Batumi, Georgia

Title: “Quality education”

Short description

The aim of the project “Quality education” is to emphasize the importance of quality education in rural

regions, how crucial is quality education not only in cities, but also in mountainous villages. The project

addresses Sustainable Development Goal (SDG). Basic literacy skills have improved tremendously, yet

bolder efforts are needed to make even greater strides for achieving universal education goals. The

project presents activities, which develops students’ awareness of the issue as part of learning English.

Languages: English, Georgian;

Age from: 13 Age to: 17

How many pupils altogether are going to participate in the project?

● 0-80


Informatics / ICT

Foreign Languages

Project founder: Georgia

Co- founder: Turkey

Partners: Georgia (1), Portugal (1), Roumania (1), Spain (1)


⮚ Students will strengthen their knowledge, and stimulate 21st century core skills, such as

✔ Citizenship,

✔ critical thinking,

✔ problem solving,

✔ creativity,

✔ Collaboration

✔ communication.

⮚ To generate students’ awareness of the world educational system;

⮚ To raise students’ awareness about the importance of getting quality education;

⮚ To increase students’ awareness about the importance of their role in school life;

⮚ To think about the appropriate ways of improving education in schools in remote areas, in high


Work process

I intend to work with my partner schools for approximately 5-7 months. Partner schools are really a great responsibility itself. We have a large list of activities. We, partner schools will collaborate and decide which activity is crucial while exchanging ideas: Here is a list of procedure:

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